2021| New Web Design Trends

2021| New Web Design Trends

It is inevitable for web design to constantly shift to new trends. With the year 2020 came to an end, it is time for a brand new look. If you are looking at building your new website this year or want to give your existing one a fresh 2021 jumpstart, here are some up and coming web design trends that will dominate this year: 

2021 Web Design Trends

Let’s Go Retro 

As the famous saying says, “History repeats itself”. From events, elephant pants, well-defined moustache, vintage colours, and pop art, some of these trends in the past certainly aged well. With just a little tweak and twist of the modern taste, retro designs are coming in strong this year. 

Retro fonts gain special attention recently. Those art nouveau posters we’ve seen so few are gradually entering resurgence. Although they are modified a bit to fit this contemporary culture, its original composition is what strikes the eyes of the digital world. 

Traditional bold fonts that used to be drowning in so many figures and colours are now the focus; the limelight. Splash it with muted retro colours and simplistic background, your website will breed in a new light. 

Parallax Scroll Animations

Parallax scroll animations, however, have been in the game for years and it’s not its time to go yet. This year, parallax is expected to project a more subtle creative integration.  Parallax scroll effects, if used properly will deliver functions that will be effective for your marketing scheme. On the other hand, too much of it can cause disorientation and dizziness to viewers especially the ones with vestibular disorders. 

How to use parallax the right way?

  • Prevent parallax from misleading your audience from the important information you want to communicate. 
  • Make sure it does not extend inconvenience to your visitors. 
  • Keep the use of parallax to the minimum. 
  • Minimise parallax movements within each page/activity.
  • Restrain your parallax effect by framing. 
  • Give an option to turn off parallax.

Parallax is intended for highlighting important elements in your website. If it outweighs your messages, it is ideal to cut down your animations and focus on the more important aspects of the website. Some nice exemples of parallax can be found here https://ceilingrepairsperth.com.au/

3D Visuals

With the presence of higher resolution screens, 3D designs are slowly penetrating the digital world; both for entertainment and web design. 3D visuals add positive overall user experience if your website flows seamlessly. 

Moreover, minimalist websites incorporated with 3D visuals give a different appeal to the concept of minimalism. These 3D elements bring these lifeless 2D visuals a new life. 

Multimedia Web Experience

To make a richer and more astonishing multimedia experience to your audience, merge texts, videos, and audios for a holistic engaging experience for your users. However, there are certain limitations to it to effectively deliver results on your end. 

Multimedia Tips

  • Simplicity is the key to a flawless website. 
  • Use various formats for easy accessibility. 
  • All text must be made with HTML.
  • Provide a clear “play” button for the user’s convenience.

These are only a few web design trends that you may encounter this year. There will be countless in the future that may suddenly sprout out of thin air or some creative designer created a new vision for design. For your business to keep up with these trends, try to incorporate at a minimal as you can. Give your website a new spin this year.