Best Apps Every College Student Needs to Download

Best Apps Every College Student Needs to Download

Given all the digital shifts almost all sectors are experiencing, the education sector is also swaying along with it. Students nowadays no longer need to write using a pen but rather make use of their gadgets to take down notes, save videos, and schedule schoolwork. According to IT Dynamics, Australian leader of IT Support for school, here are the best applications that work as a digital assistant for students to help them through a hectic schedule:

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is pristine when it comes to organising your busy schedule. It helps you track your classes, meet deadlines, remind you about your upcoming club meeting, or even ringing you about your daily exercise or healthy food intake. Google Calendar does not sell any user data but rather collects it. It helps them improve user experience through delivering services catered to the schedules you input. 


Venmo is one of the must-haves for college students, It is a free application that conveniently created a system where students can transfer money safely. Venmo makes splitting money among roommates or dorm mates easier. Additionally, it also became a platform for parents when they need to send cash to their kids in college. 


Spotify is not only the best application for digging the music and streaming fresh tracks but it also gives discounts to college students. Music is a great companion when studying and students wouldn’t want any distraction when concentrating on their notes while listening to Lo-Fi music. Thus, Spotify offers discounted premiums to enrolled college students worldwide. 


Camscanner is a mobile scanner perfect for submitting handwritten assignments. Camscanner helps students pass assignments in a clear readable copy of their handwritten output. Although Camscanner comes with a price of $59.99 a year it could be of great use for school. Why not share with a friend?


Splitwise is a wise application that helps students track their shared expenses inside the dorm room. You can integrate your PayPal or Venmo account to easily settle your accounts. SplitWise does not sell user data and it only collects to enhance user experiences. 


Quizlet is every college students’ study partner during a busy exam week. It is an online flashcard maker that you can make as your reviewer. Also, if you have friends who are using the same application and you are in the same class, you can simply use what’s already on the platform so you need not make your own. 

Duo Mobile

Duo Mobile is an app made for protecting your identity every time you log in to your school public portal. It protects your online data and identity from possible fraud. 

Word Hippo

Word Hippo is your on-the-go elite thesaurus dictionary. It is a must when you are creating an essay for a literature class. Word Hippo delivers a great selection of synonyms, antonyms, and everything you need to know about words. Word Hippo does sell user data but rather just collects them to continuously upgrade their services for a better user experience.